Lyricist and Song Writer James Erb Cell. 513-476-7872 Email: 309 Summer View Drive Cincinnati, Ohio. 45255
                                                                   Lyricist and Song Writer                                                                               James ErbCell.  513-476-7872Email:  309 Summer View DriveCincinnati, Ohio. 45255                                                              

Thank You, My Friend

Thank You, My Friend  (Long Version)


Verse: 1                                                                                 Verse: 1 modified (4 lines)

When I'm in misery                                                                          When I'm in misery
Needin' help desperately                        (Suffering endlessly)   Needin' help desperately
I say a prayer                                                                                   I say a prayer                                     
Hoping you still care                                                                       Hoping, you'll be there...Hmmm   (still)

Enough to be there


Verse: 2

Each time I've fallen down                                                      (Even through all the times)

You've always been around                                                    (I promised you with lies)

And in the end                                                                         (I know) (That)

You're still here, again                                                            (You are)

I can count on my Friend                                                        (best friend) (I can count on you, my Friend)


Chorus: 1

I'm thankful, each time, you're there for me         I'm thankful, for each time, you were there for me

And grateful, 'cause you never quit on me                                                    

Only God knows, where I'd be

Your help has set me free

I know this time I'll win the daily fight

With this addict I have living inside                              

And with your help I'll finally get it right 

Thank You...My wife                                          


Verse: 3

It's a brand new day

Dark clouds have gone away

I'm on my way

Thanks to (you) my Friend                    

I'm starting over again                                                            (I am starting over again)



Thank you my Friend

I've found my way

Today's a good day

It's becoming a trend 




Chorus: 2

Well, I know I've made bad choices...most of my life

But, I did make one choice right                                            (But, I made)

When I asked you to be my wife                                            (For a female singer: The day I became your wife)

So, I will try, my best, to prove,(that) I'm still worthy           (I'll try) (that I am)

Of the love you've given me                                                   (Of the love you give to me)
Your love (is what) has set me free                                       (Your Love has set me free)


Verse: 4

Life can't keep me down

This time I'm comin' round

With the help of my Friend                                                     (With your help, my Friend) (With your help again)

On you I (can) depend                                                            (And I thank you once again)

My Love, My Friend 


Verse: 5

Today's another day                                                                (Today is another day)

Demons held at bay                                                                (Demons kept at bay) (Demons (are) kept away)

I've found my way

With the help of my Friend  

Thank you, once again                                                           (I, thank)


Bridge: 2

You've been my Friend

I'm on my way

I'm feel'en Ok

I'm (up) on my feet again                                                   (I'm standing again)  (I've got up on my feet again) (I can stand once again)



Thank You, My Love

My Friend, Thanks Again                                                   (I Thank You, my Friend)

I thank God above                                                              (Have I said it enough 

For my Best Friend


Lyrics By: James Erb

© 2014 James Erb Music

All rights reserved.






Thank You, My Friend  (Short Version)

Verse: 1
When I'm in misery

Suffering endlessly                                          (Need'n help desperately)
I say a prayer 

That you'll be there                                          (Hopen' you'll be there)   (Hopen' you're there) (So you'd be there) (Hopen' you'll care)


Verse: 2

Even through all the times                             (those times)
I promised you with lies
You're here again                                            (You are hear again)
Bein' my friend                                                (Still Bein' my Friend) (Bein' my best friend)


I've made one choice right
When I asked you to be my wife                    (The day I became your wife)

You've always stayed with me
Now, please don't ever leave                         (Please don't ever leave)
Only God knows, where I'd be


Verse: 3

To many days I've had                                    (To many days in bed)
Blood shot eyes, achin' head
Causing your tears                                  

Through all these years                                 (Through(out) all of the years)            


Verse: 4

This time, I'll get it right

I'm goin' to win this fight

I've made a plan

The best I can                                                (The best that I can)



I've made one choice right
When I asked you to be my wife                  (The day I became your wife)

You've always stayed with me
Now please don't ever leave
Only God knows, where I'd be


Verse: 5

Life can't keep me down 
This time I'm come'n round 
Findin' a way 
To live each day                                             (To live day to day)

Verse: 6

Today I really tried
Demon's were kept inside

Feel'en brand new                                        (anew)
I'm come'n through                                      (Now, I'm coming through)


I've made one choice right
When I asked you to be my wife                 (The day I became your wife)

You've always stayed with me
Now please don't ever leave
Only God knows, where I'd be


Thank's, for bein' you
Thanks's for common through
My Friend...My Friend...I love you!


Lyrics By: James Erb

© 2014 James Erb Music

All rights reserved.





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