Lyricist and Song Writer James Erb Cell. 513-476-7872 Email: 309 Summer View Drive Cincinnati, Ohio. 45255
                                                                   Lyricist and Song Writer                                                                               James ErbCell.  513-476-7872Email:  309 Summer View DriveCincinnati, Ohio. 45255                                                              

Everything We Are

Verse: 1

My wife and I were talking just the other day

How glad we both were neither one of us walked away 

Cause over the years times got rough

But sometimes happiness is to hard to see


Verse: 2

It's sad to think after spend'en decades of years

After raising a family and shedd'en happy tears

That we could wake one day and have it all go away

I pray to God we never end up that way



'Cause everything we are and everything we’ll ever be

Is because we’re still here 'cause we didn’t leave

And the one thing we can count on for the rest of our life

Is bein’your husband and you bein’ my wife


Verse: 3

All those years ago when we said forever

That we would fight through life and live it together

It meant more to us than words on a page

Or a line in a poem or the vows that we made


Verse: 4

It was the hope to spend every breath that we take

With the one that always takes our breath away

I know we’re not perfect and we both have our flaws

But there's only one person we want to be with...through it all



'Cause everything we are, and everything we’ll ever be

Is because we’re still here ‘cause we didn’t leave

And the one thing we can count on for the rest of our life

Is me bein’your husband and you bein’ my wife


 Lyrics By: James Erb

 © 2024 James Erb Music

 All rights reserved.




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